Web of WMN
Civic Engagement, Motherhood, & Being a Democracy Ninja
DeNora Getachew, the New York City executive director of Generation Citizen, self-identifies as a democracy-ninja. In this episode, we glimpse DeNora’s journey from a childhood in the Bronx, and a teenage pregnancy to a life of civil service, opening pathways for underserved kids.
Recode Decode with Kara Swisher
Slack CPO - April Underwood
This episode offers one of those incredible moments in which an uber-fan of Kara Swisher’s can delight in her palpable, total tone-shift; but truly, who wouldn’t be completely floored by April Underwood, Chief Product Officer at Slack, and titan of our times.
Web of WMN
Storytelling, Directing, Environmental Activism
There is no more intimate window into women’s relationships than a conversation between mother and daughter. Here, Sosie Bacon joins her mom, Kyra Sedgwick in a retrospective on leaving New York, the value of storytelling, and how becoming a mother launched Kyra’s environmental activism.
Latina to Latina
Gina Rodriguez is Making Boss Moves
Gina Rodriguez is more than just an actress. In this episode, host Alicia Menendez talks to Rodriguez about her desire to step into the producing and directing space and films she sees as pushing media forward in terms of Latina representation.
Web of WMN
Building Community, Immigation & Civic Education
Two college friends from opposite coasts and cultures come together to talk about growing up in the Inland Empire, Chicano culture, bridging disparate communities, and the challenges of improving education.
A Women’s History Squad
Selected by:
Wonder Media
This Women’s History Month, we’re shifting focus away from the history-makers, and instead towards the patchwork of women’s lives and identities that, too, create our history. Every little moment in this crazy existence is a seed of creation, and the relationships we share, and the conversations we have are no less valuable than the thrusts of great moments. This week we trace dialogues between women from a panoply of backgrounds, to form a web of interconnected women, celebrating their manifold beauty throughout.