Why Oh Why
Alone Forever
It feels terrifying when you’re older and you’re still single. So staring down the barrel of loneliness, you admit to yourself one thing: I will be “alone forever.”
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Where Should We Begin
Tell Me I'm Not Alone
First, this is a podcast by Esther Perel. If you don’t know her, stop what you’re doing and Google her. Second, the loneliness of being in a marriage, and then an affair. This episode will bring out the waterworks.
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The Lonely Hour
Solo Dining
Ever feel weird sometimes when you eat alone? Or felt weird because someone else is? A bunch of folks here talk about it.
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Death, Sex & Money
Living Alone, One Year Later
There’s an incredible freedom in living alone. The not caring, the no one stealing food, and just the plain ol’ solitude in it. But sometimes after that wears off, the lonely side of you somehow seeps through.
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BBC Radio
Are We Afraid of Being Alone?
Listen to intelligent people intelligently talking about loneliness which I think sometimes they confuse with solitude.
I Get Lonely Too
Selected by:
It's difficult to explain how lonely you feel when you're not particularly 'alone.' And being surrounded by people doesn't help alleviate that feeling, either. But there's catharsis in feeling lonely together, despite how 'misery loves company' it sounds. So this week, we have 5 miserable episodes if you're in one of those slumps. People who, far from you in both time and distance, understand how you feel.