Stuff You Should Know
How Impeachment Works
Impeachment doesn’t mean removal from office so what does it mean and how does it work?
The Daily
The Whistle-Blower's Complaint
There’s a lot of talk about the whiste blower report but do you know what’s actually said in it? This episode analyze the text itself and how brilliantly written it was.
Today, Explained
The impeachment counternarrative
Now that we know why what Trump said was illegal, let’s listen to the mental gymnastics of the GOP to defend their counter narrative.
Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick
How Donald Trump Weaponizes the Law
With both sides heard, one dissecting pure facts and the other wrangling in semantics, this episode is more concrete focusing on the legalese of impeachment and the judicial guardrails around the presidency.
The Ezra Klein Show
The Case for Impeachment
Ezra Klein wax poetic on the broken system of the presidency and answers the question: “Are the civic and political consequences of impeachment worse than the consequences of leaving a dangerously unfit president in office?”
The Impeachment
Selected by:
There’s no way you haven’t heard about the Impeachment Inquiry but perhaps only in the way you’ve watched Blue Streak, in bits and overlapping pieces to put the shape of a plot together. This current event based Impeachment primer issue sets you up in one collective brain dump starting with first principles (what is impeachment) to evergreen questions like “Does the American political system have a remedy if we elect the wrong person to be president?” After running through this long but juicy five episodes, you’re guaranteed to be the next water cooler scholar. Enjoy!