Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Money (But Were Too Afraid to Ask)
Are you financially illiterate like me? Then this is a quick primer to get that money muscle flexing. This episode gives you 10 rules that you (and I) should probably follow to be more financially responsible. Start here.
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Mens, Moms & Money
If you’ve ever been in a relationship where one person made a bit more money than the other and it started to erode your relationship, then you’re not alone.
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Bad with Money
What If You're Fucked?
Four money topics in this longer episode. • How to manage finances as a freelancer. • What to do when you get identity thefted. • How to control spending during a manic episode. • And recovering financially while recovering from substance abuse.
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Death, Sex & Money
My Awkward Money Talk with Sallie Krawcheck
Less about Money and more of an interview with someone who works with money. One of the most influential women in business, Sallie Krawcheck is just really fun to listen to. She’s always had a reputation of honesty, but in this interview you can hear her being vulnerable without seeming weak, discussing her divorce, her job, and how to deal with the emotions of money.
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Money talks, and we listen, but you should also listen to this playlist about people talking about money. In fact, I wish people were less shy about it because from these episodes, money seems to be the basis of a lot of emotional issues that could've been surfaced more verbally if it weren't so taboo to bring up in the first place. That's just my two cents though. Enjoy these!